All these incredibly powerful flower essence blends have been specially formulated by Kerrie and each of them have taken many months and an enormous amount of her time, life force and energy tuning into the flower essences, animals, other beings and her own trauma. All the blends come with Kerrie’s “signature” which comes from her life experiences and trauma, understandings (which you can read about by clicking on each individual essence below), her intuitive inner knowing and wisdom, as well as her authenticity and integrity. The energy, intent and deep connection that comes with each flower essence in each blend is what makes these blends unique.
None of the blends are ever made in bulk. Each blend is made at the end of a consultation or online order all whilst tuning into and deeply connecting with the needs of the individual the blend is being made for. Whilst deeply connecting with the individual, Kerrie is also deeply connecting to the animal and plant kingdoms and any other beings or energies that are required in the making of each blend. Most of the blends contain more than 30 flower essences with some containing more than 40 flower essences. Kerrie’s blends contain a combination of Bach Flower Essences, Australian Bush Flower Essences as well as flower essences made by Kerrie from the indigenous plant and trees that thrive on her land on the Mornington Peninsula.
All of this makes Kerrie’s Blends quite unique!