This blend is for:
- learning self-love
- where we turn anger/hatred back on ourselves
- where we constantly serve others and neglect our own needs and wants
- where there is self-hate of the self
- feelings of shame/guilt/embarrassment
- breaking ancestral or past life patterns of serving others to the detriment of ourselves
- being able to receive from ourselves and others
- negative self-talk or putting one’s self down
- assisting us to be more present for ourselves
- assisting in letting go of the strict disciplinarian or perfectionist
- bringing balance to constantly being on the go
- bringing balance to over achievers
- assisting those who look to the external for recognition with being able to find this from within.
** If in doubt about whether this is suitable for your personal needs or the needs of your animal/s, please seek further advice from a health care practitioner and/or consider booking a personalised consultation.